this site is under active construction.  feel free to browse around and see what’s new. expect for things not to work, links to be broken, and design to look wonky on various devices.  thanks for visiting!

how may I be of service?

human to human - one on one


business & personal

for individuals and business owners who need support to foster healthy relationship with their business and life. walking together helps you find ways to work through the challenges you face while staying true to your heart.

genuine community and learning


An online space for kind-hearted, highly sensitive, neurodivergent business owners with past trauma who need practical support and loving guidance to help successfully navigate business in a way that works for your system and invites more ease.

workshops & experientials

This is human-first development at its finest. Learn, integrate, and experience a new depth of relationship with things such as Boundaries, your Nervous System, and Business Fundamentals.

The nervous system miracle logo.

Discover the miracle of your nervous system. Learn the skills to navigate your body’s stress patterns with more self-compassion and less shame based on the exclusive ∞actualinfinity Autonomic Nervous System Experiencing Model.

Boundaries Wisdom Class

this site is under active development. you may discover links that do not work or other parts of the site that are not complete. this is intentional. enjoy exploring while I design and update. please do not contact me to inform me that something isn't working for you.