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Matters of Policy & Principle

There’s a lot that I care about.

I have many principles which shape my policies in and around my life and business. If you want to know my heart a bit deeper – understanding these will help.

Who you choose to do befriend and do business with matters. It’s a part of how we each individually take a stand for the things we believe in. By so doing, we direct precious resources toward like-hearted individuals and companies which helps us rest more assured that our financial assets are being used in ways that align with our own values and principles. In this way, I believe, we help to create and strengthen Love in the world.

The information in the various posts in this category attempt to accomplish three key objectives:

  1. Shine a light of transparency on the stand I and ♾actualinfinity take in relationship to various important issues that matter to humanity, the world over.
  2. Help me articulate what is in my heart and why, and to do so in a very public way, so that I am publicly accountable for the alignment of my own personal intentions and behaviors, and that alignment remains impeccable – both when front-and-center, but also behind the scenes where fewer people observe. When I make mistakes, or my behavior deviates from being aligned to whats written here, I hope this info helps create safety to offer feedback to me personally.
  3. Provide a clear, consistent way to answer visitor questions which are asked pretty frequently, or are of interest to others.

As always, if anything in this category is not clear, or feels disagreeable, wrong, misinformed, or privileged, you are welcome to ask questions and send inquiries by reaching out to me via any channel that works for you – including replying to any email I’ve ever sent you.

But… before I get into the details, I want to share what this page is not intended for.

As your own sovereign being, you can draw whatever conclusions you wish as a result of reading these, “Matters of Policy & Principle.” I imagine that you will draw conclusions about who I am, and you will think of me however you choose to think of me. I celebrate your choices.

However, articulating these principles and policies is in no way meant to present myself as better, “woke,” awakened, enlightened, un-fragile, on the right side of history, or an ally to any specific group. I share these important policies and principles to help nurture an environment of kindness, transparency, accountability, clarity, beauty, and respect, to name a few. I hope these qualities will foster a sense of safety, empathy, and loving support.

wishing you more love, not less – all-ways💜™,


continue the journey with these posts...

this site is under active development. you may discover links that do not work or other parts of the site that are not complete. this is intentional. enjoy exploring while I design and update. please do not contact me to inform me that something isn't working for you.