this site is under active construction.  feel free to browse around and see what’s new. expect for things not to work, links to be broken, and design to look wonky on various devices.  thanks for visiting!

no quick fixes. no empty promises. just meaningful, lasting change.

Let's Walk Together

discover a path of growth, insight, and support — one step at a time

where would you like to start?


this is where we explore the raw, messy, beautiful path of being in relationship with the greater reality of Love within and beyond yourself.

nervous system

Your body speaks in symptoms because it’s carrying stories that matter. Welcome to a revolutionary approach to nervous system healing & regulation.

if you don’t know where to begin… click here.


it’s not supposed to crush you.

how do you avoid turning yourself into a niched down, 2-dimensional brochure? Let’s dismantle the rules that were never meant for souls as vast as ours.

human being

Because your journey doesn’t need fixing – it needs witnessing, with eyes of love and a heart that knows how to hold it all.


it isn’t about masterpieces – it’s about marking the moments that make us human.

policies & principles

The unsexy but essential stuff that shows you exactly how I walk my talk (and why that matters for both of us).


the ∞actualinfinity podcast

Like water wearing away stone, awareness reshapes everything it touches. It’s where profit meets presence, hustle bows to heart, and love isn’t just the answer… it’s the entire question.

heart notes

Ever notice how wisdom hits different when it arrives gift-wrapped in someone else’s struggle? Heart Notes exist because sometimes the teacher you need most is the mirror you didn’t expect.


and remembrance

Forget everything you think meditation ‘should’ be.

this is about nourishment, not performance.

get support

Invitations to walk together with Steve through individual coaching or together in The Village

this site is under active development. you may discover links that do not work or other parts of the site that are not complete. this is intentional. enjoy exploring while I design and update. please do not contact me to inform me that something isn't working for you.