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A Purpose that Won’t Let Go

A daily practice that aligns you, even in chaos.

In the soft and dimmed moments before dawn, as the world outside my window is still veiled in shadows, I sit down to begin my daily ritual. The air is thick with possibility, teeming with the promise of a new day. This is my sacred time, my moment of connection with something greater than myself.

With fingers poised over the keyboard, I take a deep breath and type the same sentence I’ve written countless mornings before:

Purpose: To experience Divine Love in every experience.

Simple words. Profound impact. This single sentence is the compass by which I navigate the tumultuous waters of existence. It’s the North Star guiding me home when I’ve lost my way.

But I didn’t always have it.

I didn’t start out being this clear.


The Evolution of Purpose

Years ago, when I first began this practice, my purpose was as changeable as the weather. Each morning brought a new iteration, a fresh attempt to capture the essence of my being in words. I wrote of success, of impact, of witnessing and being witnessed. I wrote of happiness, of fulfillment, of finding my place in the world, making a contribution, leaving a mark.

Day after day, I showed up to the page, excavating my soul one sentence at a time. And slowly, imperceptibly at first, something began to shift.

The words became clearer, more focused. The extraneous fell away, leaving only the essential. And then, one ordinary morning that turned out to be anything but, I wrote the sentence that would change everything:

To experience Divine Love in every experience.

It resonated in my bones. It sang in my blood. It felt like coming home to a place I’d never been but had always known.

From that day forward, my purpose has remained unchanged. Not because I have it all figured out, but because I found a purpose expansive enough to encompass all of life’s complexities, challenges, and contradictions.

For me, it never feels untrue or unhelpful.


The Daily Dance with Divine Love

Now, you might be thinking, “Divine love in every moment? That sounds nice, but come on. What about when life goes sideways?”

Oh, my friends. That’s where the real work begins.

Imagine this: You’re running late for an important meeting. Traffic is a nightmare. Your phone is blowing up with anxious texts from your colleagues. Where’s the divine love in that moment?

It’s there. I promise you, it’s there. But remembering it? That’s the practice. That’s the purpose in action.

In that moment of stress and frustration, if you can remember, you can take a breath. Remember purpose. And suddenly, you can see Divine Love:

  • in the fact that you have meaningful work to do.
  • in the strangers around you, all of us interconnected in this wild dance of life.
  • in your own beating heart, carrying you through this human experience.
  • in the precious meltdowns everyone is having as they react to their nervous system.
  • in the miracle of a computer that can connect you with others across oceans.

Is it easy? Hell no.

Do I always succeed? Not even close.

But that’s the beauty of this purpose. It’s not about perfection. It’s about practice.


The Merry-Go-Round of Remembering

Here’s what I’ve learned: Life is a constant cycle of remembering and forgetting. Like Sufi dervishes spinning towards ecstasy, we turn away from love and back again, away and back, away and back.

Some days, I’m on fire.

Divine Love infuses every interaction, every task, every breath. I’m a conduit of compassion, a beacon of light in a sometimes seemingly dark world.

Other days? I’m a mess.

I snap at people, grumble about discomfort, rage about my brain that feels faulty at times. Some days, I forget my purpose entirely. But even in those moments – especially in those moments – the invitation to return to love remains open.

This is the dance. This is the practice. This is the purpose lived out in real time.


When Love Feels Furthest Away

Let me be real with you: There are times when experiencing Divine Love feels about as likely as teaching a fish to tap dance.

For me, physical pain is a profound test. If you have chronic pain or auto-immune disease, you know. When my body is screaming, when agony clouds my mind, love often feels as distant as the farthest star. In those moments, I struggle to access even a glimmer of the Divine.

But here’s what I’ve learned: Love’s presence doesn’t depend on my ability to feel it.

It’s always there, patient as the mountains, steady as the tides.

My job is simply to remember, to open myself to its possibility, even when – especially when – it feels impossible.


The Ripple Effect of Living on Purpose

Living with this purpose has transformed my life in ways both subtle and profound:

  • In moments of conflict, I’m quicker to see the humanity in the other person, to respond with compassion rather than ONLY defensiveness. (Though let’s be real, I still unleash my inner Hulk sometimes. Because honey, my needs matter too, and occasionally they need to smash things.)
  • In times of joy, I’m more present, more grateful, more aware of the miracle of existence.
  • In the face of global challenges, I’m both more heartbroken and more hopeful, knowing that Love is the only force powerful enough to heal our collective wounds.

But perhaps the most significant change is this: I’ve become more fully, authentically myself.

Because when you’re committed to experiencing love in every moment, there’s no room for pretense.

No space for playing small.

You have to show up, fully and completely, to this wild and precious life.


Your Invitation

Now, I’m not here to tell you that your purpose should mirror mine. The beauty of purpose is that it’s deeply personal, as unique as your fingerprint. Your purpose might be about creativity, service, exploration, justice, or a thousand other things.

But I will say this: There is immense power in defining your purpose and aligning with it every single day.

So, if you’re inspired to explore this practice for yourself, here’s what I recommend:

  1. Start where you are. Don’t worry about getting it “right.” Your first attempt, your fiftieth attempt – they’re all valuable. The clarity comes through the practice, not before it. In fact, why not shoot for spectacularly wrong? Aim to fail so epically that aliens add your blunders to their intergalactic blooper reel. (Spoiler alert: that’s how you become a galactic superstar. Don’t ask me how I know.)
  2. Write it down daily. Make it a ritual. Whether it’s on paper, in a journal, or typed into your favorite app – create a space for this daily rendezvous with your deepest self.
  3. Let it evolve. Your purpose may change over time, and that’s okay. Trust the process. Trust yourself.
  4. Notice what arises. Pay attention to the days when it flows like honey and the days when it feels like pulling teeth. It’s all information. It’s all part of the journey.
  5. Live it out. A purpose isn’t just pretty words on a page. It’s a lived experience. Look for opportunities to embody your purpose in your daily life.


The Challenges and the Rewards

I won’t sugarcoat it: Living your purpose isn’t always easy.

There will be days when you question everything, when you wonder if you’re on the right path, when the gap between your ideals and your reality feels Grand Canyon-wide.

But oh, my friends, it is worth it.

Because when you align with your deepest purpose:

  • The ordinary becomes sacred.
  • The mundane becomes miraculous.
  • You become fully, radiantly, unapologetically alive.

You start to see the interconnectedness of all things.

You recognize the Divine spark of Consciousness in yourself and in others.

You become a force for good in a world that desperately needs it.


The Ongoing Journey

As I sit here, typing these words, I’m acutely aware of how far I’ve come – and how far I have yet to go. The journey of living my purpose is ongoing, ever-evolving, endlessly challenging and rewarding.

There are still days when I forget. Days when fear overrides love, when judgment eclipses compassion, when I lose sight of the Divine in the midst of the mundane.

But now, I know: That’s not failure.

That’s just part of the dance.

That’s the opportunity to remember, to return, to choose love again and again and again.


A Final Invitation

As the sun rises, painting the world in hues of gold and promise, I leave you with this:

Your purpose is waiting for you. It’s encoded in your DNA, whispered in the chambers of your heart, reflected in the light of your eyes.

Will you listen? Will you show up, day after day, to uncover it? Will you have the courage to live it out, even when it’s hard, even when it’s scary, even when it feels impossible?

I hope you will. Because the world needs you – awake, alive, and on purpose.

And wherever you are, my wish for you is that you experience the Divine Love in every experience that awaits you.

wishing you more love, not less – all-ways💜™,


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