this site is under active construction. feel free to browse around and see what’s new. expect for things not to work, links to be broken, and design to look wonky on various devices. thanks for visiting!
Steve Mattus and ∞actualinfinity are anti-racism, support Black Lives Matter Grassroots, AAPI, Indigenous, and LGBTQIA2S+ communities, is pro-Trans, and renounce all forms of violence.
The information in the footer is meant only to inform you of where I stand on issues I consider important. It has no bearing on my qualifications or worthiness as a practitioner or business owner.
∞actualinfinity is located in Shikaakwa – the Algonquin name for Chicago – which is on the traditional unceded homelands of the Ojibwe, Kiikaapoi, Bodéwadmiakiwen (Potawatomi), Myaamia, Hoocak (Ho-Chunk), and Peoria indigenous tribes and people, which was violently stolen and colonized from them.
this site is under active development. you may discover links that do not work or other parts of the site that are not complete. this is intentional. enjoy exploring while I design and update. please do not contact me to inform me that something isn't working for you.